Acton Ostry Architects

Yaletown Square features the rehabilitation of a two-storey heritage warehouse building with a three-storey contemporary addition above. Originally constructed in 1908, the MacPherson & Teetzel Company Building was designed by the prominent architectural firm of Parr & Fee. Redevelopment of the building includes a mix of shell commercial space located in the lower heavy timber portion with new shell office space floating above in a steel and glass addition. Heritage interventions include preservation of the original exterior masonry walls and wood windows, restoration of the storefront and cornice, and seismic upgrading of the historic heavy timber structure.


Yaletown Square


Vancouver, BC


Sylvia House Inc.




2,625 sqm


heritage restoration and new addition


mass timber
full renewal and expansion
heritage restoration

awards & recognition

VRCA Heritage Gold Award
VRCA Outstanding Achievement Award


heritage restoration and new addition

The design draws a clear distinction between what is historic and what is new and the materials and massing have been carefully considered to be compatible with the exterior form of the historic building.

Daily Hive


Homer Street


Hamilton Street


raised pedestrian walkway


MacPherson & Teetzel Company Building c. 1935


before construction c. 2019


rehabilitated heavy timber structure


heavy timber structure


new steel structure


cornice reconstruction

This modest warehouse in Yaletown was built in 1908 during a flurry of construction when Canadian Pacific Railway released the area near their tracks for new wholesale facilities for the fast-growing city.

Changing Vancouver – 2014