Acton Ostry Architects

Located in Vancouver’s False Creek Flats district, Industrial Long Wood is an exposed mass timber building measuring 27 metres high by 21 metres wide and 162 metres long, equivalent to a 54-storey tower laid on its side. The raised form and simple articulated massing evokes the coupling of freight cars and the rhythm of the surrounding rail yards. To achieve economy through speed of construction, a “keep it simple” design approach leverages repetition and prefabrication. Industrial Long Wood utilizes a disciplined, repetitive mass timber structural system comprised of glulam columns and braces, CLT infill panels supported on glulam edge beams, and a flush central steel beam. Ground floor use is light manufacturing, with digital tech office space above. Shared penthouse amenity space is capped with an expansive green roof.


Industrial Long Wood


Vancouver, BC


1000A Holdings Inc.




20,760 sqm


modular components


mass timber

awards & recognition

Grands Prix du Design Concept & Unbuilt Gold Award
Grands Prix du Design Architecture & Wood Gold Award

MIPIM/Architectural Review Future Project Award
Architecture MasterPrize Honourable Mention


ground floor manufacturing

An impressive scale of ambition in dimension and use of material achieves a transparency of structural form responding contextually to the rail line.

Future Project Awards

MIPIM/The Architectural Review


digital tech offices


penthouse amenity


exploded axonometric


context aerial


ground plan


typical plan


penthouse plan

Industrial Long Wood aspires to be a model for future mass timber development that is quick, clean and cost effective to construct.

The Architecture Master Prize Awards