Acton Ostry Architects

Cordage + Garage combines two heritage buildings located in Vancouver's historic Gastown into a single mixed-use residential development. The 1911 Cordage building included a hotel on the upper floors and the adjacent 1930 Garage building was one of Vancouver's earliest purpose-built automobile service stations. The project is part of a complex, three phase redevelopment where five adjacent heritage buildings were restored, rehabilitated and added onto in order to double the residential density. The Cordage upper addition is set back while the Garage addition is flush with its heritage facade. The innovative revitalization successfully transforms an under-utilized piece of historic fabric into a vibrant, contemporary quarter for living, working, socializing and commerce.


Cordage + Garage


Vancouver, BC


The Salient Group




5,600 sqm


contemporary addition


SABMag Green Building Award
full renewal and expansion
heritage restoration

awards & recognition

Heritage Canada National Trust Award

Lieutenant Governor of BC Medal in Architecture
Heritage BC Outstanding Achievement Award
City of Vancouver Heritage Award
Sustainable Architecture & Building Green Award


historic streetscape

Cordage + Garage brings new life to an old neighbourhood, setting new standards for historical preservation and re-purposing. The project speaks to not only where we came from, but where we are going. This is a complex resolution of a multivalent problem. The project exhibits the skills of what architecture really is.

Lieutenant Governor Awards


Gastown context




mews access


Blood Alley


Blood Alley


Cordage and Garage c. 1911 & 1930


heritage facade restoration and upper contemporary additions


contemporary residential addition


contemporary residential addition


open and screened circulation







The new multi-storey infill construction of this project convincingly maintains the historic Gastown facade of Vancouver. The new construction is of high quality that complements the older buildings.

Sustainable Architecture & Building Green Awards