Acton Ostry Architects

Located at an active intersection in Vancouver’s vibrant Mount Pleasant neighbourhood, Stella + Kingsway Honda combines a residential tower atop an auto dealership. The tower is oriented away from the busy intersection with spectacular views of the North Shore Mountains. Townhomes sit atop a landscaped podium. Along the broad expanse of the tower an offset rhythm of balconies creates terraces open to the sky. The narrow facade presents a dynamic pattern of small punched openings to Kingsway. Vertical ribbons of coloured glass punctuate Stella’s distinctive profile in the Vancouver skyline.


Stella + Kingsway Honda


Vancouver, BC


350 Kingsway Development Ltd.




10,200 sqm


vertical ribbon of coloured glass


LEED Gold equivalent

awards & recognition

Guidebook to Contemporary Architecture in Vancouver


residential tower

Chic and sophisticated, there’s nothing shy about Stella. Clearly proud of her status as a landmark building, this mixed-use structure is unabashedly avant grade with a playful edginess. It’s hardly surprising that when it comes to innovation, Stella is a leader.

Award Magazine


residential entrance


wash of coloured light on white-brick wall


iridescent tile accent wall


coloured glass canopy and ribbon window


landscaped podium


Mount Pleasant and city context


tower set back from intersection


jutting prow and townhomes


angled auto prow


auto prow


oscillating balconies


lustrous cladding and ribbon window



Mount Pleasant's reputation as a community of local artists and designers demanded a unique architectural approach and that's exactly what Acton Ostry delivered. Stella is destined to be a Vancouver icon.

Redden Development Management